Who We Are

We are a collection of scientists, engineers, medical professionals and devoted staff.

We'd like to think there's a uniqueness to who we are. The varied experiences of research disciplines has given us a different perspective on what's possible and how it can be done. Raymond Damadian wouldn't have invented the MRI if he hadn't stumbled onto a book about NMR. We look where others don't and we think that's to our advantage.

Our History

This is the time we did our preliminary planning. Defining our goals and objectives and drawing a path to follow. We researched similar approaches and navigated which seemed best to draw from.

For background we looked at what was already being done. What was succeeding and where there were issues that were lacking. We also spent time with cancer patients and survivors and listened to their side of the story.

Life Without Cancer incorporated as a non-profit and acquired funding to begin buying equipment and locating a new office to do our research.

Starting the active stage of our incorporation and connecting with others in the industry. We started the "Act Of Worldwide Help" project in the belief that sharing information between companies and agencies could help expedite research. In late 2022 we ended out non-profit status to focus on private research.

Why Us?

Too few in medicine are looking into this new kind of technology, but we believe it will revolutionize the future.

Most cutting edge research is in the fields of genetic engineering and immunotherapy. But in those cases each "key", each solution or cure has to be engineered one at a time. With PONS technology you can scan and fingerprint a disease and destroy it within days.